Our Mission Statement
We are growing God’s youngest disciples in community, through practice, with faith – and we invite you and your children to grow with us.
Growing in Community
Before your child learns any Bible stories, before she wrestles with what she believes, before he practices living out his faith, and before you as a parent are challenged to do the same – before any of that, we want you and your child to feel at home in this church.
We want your child to feel loved and accepted for who he is. We want her to develop positive and meaningful relationships, not just with her peers and teachers, but with all our members. We want you to know that your family is a part of our church family.
We want these things because we believe that we cannot truly be who God created us to be without being in relationship with others, without being in a community where we are known and loved.
Growing through Practice
But belonging to a church community is more than a club or activity. It’s more than a series of classes to learn biblical stories. It’s an invitation to a way of life.
Most children don’t learn by hearing lectures or by being told what to think or do. They need to see it. They need to put the lessons of these stories to the test.
Practicing our faith helps us to develop habits of the heart: giving to those in need, caring for those who are hurting,
remembering those who are forgotten, and following Christ’s example. What we do shapes what we believe.
Growing with Faith
Ultimately our faith is a way of life, not a list of beliefs written down on a piece of paper. Our spiritual journeys are varied and rarely in a straight line. Our understanding of who God is, who Jesus is, and who the Holy Spirit is, may change and develop and evolve and be struggled with.
But with every Sunday School lesson, with every opportunity to worship together, with every act of service we participate in with our community, we believe our relationships with God and God’s creation will grow and our faith will grow with them.
These three things are not separate from one another. They are each a vital part of our Children and Family Ministry: We are growing God’s youngest disciples in community, through practice, with faith – and we invite you and your children to grow with us.
Growing in Community
Before your child learns any Bible stories, before she wrestles with what she believes, before he practices living out his faith, and before you as a parent are challenged to do the same – before any of that, we want you and your child to feel at home in this church.
We want your child to feel loved and accepted for who he is. We want her to develop positive and meaningful relationships, not just with her peers and teachers, but with all our members. We want you to know that your family is a part of our church family.
We want these things because we believe that we cannot truly be who God created us to be without being in relationship with others, without being in a community where we are known and loved.
Growing through Practice
But belonging to a church community is more than a club or activity. It’s more than a series of classes to learn biblical stories. It’s an invitation to a way of life.
Most children don’t learn by hearing lectures or by being told what to think or do. They need to see it. They need to put the lessons of these stories to the test.
Practicing our faith helps us to develop habits of the heart: giving to those in need, caring for those who are hurting,
remembering those who are forgotten, and following Christ’s example. What we do shapes what we believe.
Growing with Faith
Ultimately our faith is a way of life, not a list of beliefs written down on a piece of paper. Our spiritual journeys are varied and rarely in a straight line. Our understanding of who God is, who Jesus is, and who the Holy Spirit is, may change and develop and evolve and be struggled with.
But with every Sunday School lesson, with every opportunity to worship together, with every act of service we participate in with our community, we believe our relationships with God and God’s creation will grow and our faith will grow with them.
These three things are not separate from one another. They are each a vital part of our Children and Family Ministry: We are growing God’s youngest disciples in community, through practice, with faith – and we invite you and your children to grow with us.