Are God and Jesus the same person?
See also: How are God and Jesus the same, but Jesus is God's Son? What is the Trinity?
How you might answer: Yes, God and Jesus are the same. And they're also different. It's really confusing - something that we call a "paradox". This question has frustrated Christians throughout the centuries because it doesn't totally make sense... but it also makes sense that we can't fully understand God! We believe that in Jesus, we saw Emmanuel - "God with us" - someone who was at once fully human and fully God (another paradox!), and that Jesus showed us how God wanted us to live and shared the depth of God's great love for us through his death and resurrection. But even though we believe this, God is still so much bigger than our minds can know that sometimes talking about God will still get really confusing!
What might be behind their question: Both pastors and Sunday School teachers are often guilty of using God and Jesus interchangeably but also specifically at times, both in our prayers and in our speaking. It's not wrong - the Bible holds to this paradox as well - but for kids it is really, really confusing. Being able to share that this is something that adults struggle with too may be a sense of relief, and it can be an opportunity to celebrate the wonder and mystery of God.
How you might answer: Yes, God and Jesus are the same. And they're also different. It's really confusing - something that we call a "paradox". This question has frustrated Christians throughout the centuries because it doesn't totally make sense... but it also makes sense that we can't fully understand God! We believe that in Jesus, we saw Emmanuel - "God with us" - someone who was at once fully human and fully God (another paradox!), and that Jesus showed us how God wanted us to live and shared the depth of God's great love for us through his death and resurrection. But even though we believe this, God is still so much bigger than our minds can know that sometimes talking about God will still get really confusing!
What might be behind their question: Both pastors and Sunday School teachers are often guilty of using God and Jesus interchangeably but also specifically at times, both in our prayers and in our speaking. It's not wrong - the Bible holds to this paradox as well - but for kids it is really, really confusing. Being able to share that this is something that adults struggle with too may be a sense of relief, and it can be an opportunity to celebrate the wonder and mystery of God.