December 15
Bible Verses Covered
Devotion: Some of my favorite songs in the church are from Advent and Christmas, and I realize each year in Children’s Chapel how many of the children respond to the simple, familiar carols. My son doesn’t remember, but when he was very little around Christmas time, I used to sing “What Child is This?” as a lullaby (all three verses!). The baby in the manger is such an accessible story for children because God sent Jesus to be like one of them, and music is such a nice way to learn the Christmas story.
This passage recalls Mary’s happy song to God after she found out she was going to be the mother of Jesus. It is hard when just reading it to realize that it is a song because it has been translated (so, as my son said, the words don’t rhyme anymore), and it is written without notes. He also thinks that music is happy because it has good rhythm, and you have to imagine what this song must have sounded like. Music is good because God knows that you are happy and filled with praise. Many of us can relate to how joyful Mary felt when she was singing, and music can be a great way to express that emotion.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for music because it’s very happy and joyful. Help us worship you and learn about you through music. Amen.
Devotion: Some of my favorite songs in the church are from Advent and Christmas, and I realize each year in Children’s Chapel how many of the children respond to the simple, familiar carols. My son doesn’t remember, but when he was very little around Christmas time, I used to sing “What Child is This?” as a lullaby (all three verses!). The baby in the manger is such an accessible story for children because God sent Jesus to be like one of them, and music is such a nice way to learn the Christmas story.
This passage recalls Mary’s happy song to God after she found out she was going to be the mother of Jesus. It is hard when just reading it to realize that it is a song because it has been translated (so, as my son said, the words don’t rhyme anymore), and it is written without notes. He also thinks that music is happy because it has good rhythm, and you have to imagine what this song must have sounded like. Music is good because God knows that you are happy and filled with praise. Many of us can relate to how joyful Mary felt when she was singing, and music can be a great way to express that emotion.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for music because it’s very happy and joyful. Help us worship you and learn about you through music. Amen.