Day 30 - Tuesday
Bible Verses: Luke 15:11-32
Spark Bible: The Prodigal Son (p.378)
Devotion: You can read this passage from many different perspectives – the father, the loyal son, and the son who has lost his way. Each adds a different viewpoint which we all can understand- the father, who wants his children safe, the loyal son who is angry that his dad had a party for his brother who spent all his money, and the son who has wasted his money.
I was thinking about how the son felt who spent all his money. Reluctant to go home – he left a big shot – “going to make it big in the city” and now he will have to crawl back home ; his brother will think him an idiot for spending all of his money and his father would be disappointed and embarrassed by his choices. He must however have had some small amount of courage to turn towards home. I can imagine him trying to think of what to say to his family – “ I am sorry. I was stupid”; “ I don’t deserve to be welcome but I will work for you”….. Imagine his shock when his father hugged him.
I would think he would be shocked and stunned by his father’s love much like the love God continues to show for us. We make bad choices, do stupid things and God welcomes us home again and again when we are willing to seek his guidance.
Prayer: Dear God, please remind me that when I lose my way you will always welcome me home. Please give me strength to acknowledge my weakness and ask for help. Amen.
Spark Bible: The Prodigal Son (p.378)
Devotion: You can read this passage from many different perspectives – the father, the loyal son, and the son who has lost his way. Each adds a different viewpoint which we all can understand- the father, who wants his children safe, the loyal son who is angry that his dad had a party for his brother who spent all his money, and the son who has wasted his money.
I was thinking about how the son felt who spent all his money. Reluctant to go home – he left a big shot – “going to make it big in the city” and now he will have to crawl back home ; his brother will think him an idiot for spending all of his money and his father would be disappointed and embarrassed by his choices. He must however have had some small amount of courage to turn towards home. I can imagine him trying to think of what to say to his family – “ I am sorry. I was stupid”; “ I don’t deserve to be welcome but I will work for you”….. Imagine his shock when his father hugged him.
I would think he would be shocked and stunned by his father’s love much like the love God continues to show for us. We make bad choices, do stupid things and God welcomes us home again and again when we are willing to seek his guidance.
Prayer: Dear God, please remind me that when I lose my way you will always welcome me home. Please give me strength to acknowledge my weakness and ask for help. Amen.